Patient Information

Surgical Risks

There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. These are kept to a minimum by the training and experience of our surgeon and the systems which are in place. The risks are discussed at your consultation along with the benefits of the procedure and the options available. This allows you to make an informed consent regarding the most appropriate option. It's important to discuss any concerns you have before any procedure. Some of the surgical risks associated with Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery include:

1. Infection

2. Bleeding

3. Damage to nerves, eg causing numbness to lip or tongue

4. Dry socket

5. Osteonecrosis following use of biphosphonate drugs

6. Fractured jaw

7. Chronic pain

8. Sinus problems

9. TMJ (jaw joint) problems

10. Malocclusion (altered bite)

11. Scarring and problems with healing

12. Loss of implants, screws, grafts

13. Adverse reactions to anaesthetics and medications

14. Damage to teeth near operation site

15. Roots left in place following extractions

16. Reduced mouth opening

17. Sore throat and difficulty swallowing

18. Trauma to lips and gums

If you have any concerns following a surgical procedure, please get in touch with us. Contact us urgently in the case of bleeding and increasing swelling. In urgent situations where the surgeon is unavailable please attend the Emergency Department of the hospital. In less urgent situations you can make arrangements to see the surgeon or an after hours doctor or dentist.